Get sharp on your feet.

From the dullest of hooves come the sharpest of thoughts. Shop the finest collection of pencil sharpeners this side of I-94.

Grounded in Nature

Our mission is to guide you away from the frenetic highway pace of the modern world, to a respite where a gallop slows to a trot. It’s here where we connect our bones with the wonders that surround us—and understand what truly matters. We believe this pivotal journey begins with the smallest of elements: bringing nature into the most simple artifacts of daily life.

Painstakingly Crafted

Behind every cut and every line lies a story—a story that’s become central to all of us. As with the best tales of our time, it’s one filled with hours of arduous, and sometimes painful, effort. But even more than that, it’s a story filled endless joy. We pour our blood, sweat, and tears into every product, in hopes that you feel a glimmer of joy—no matter how small—with every interaction.

Hewn in America

We believe that the convergence of community and determination is a cornerstone of America. A burden shared is a burden halved, and a joy shared is doubled. While we rely on our own hooves-to-the-pavement determination, we must also lift up and lean on our community to make the world a better place. We proudly design, hew, and create in the USA.

Featured Products

  • HEY HORSE! Single Pencil Sharpener
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  • HEY HORSE! Hexagon Pencil Sharpener
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  • HEY HORSE! Double Pencil Sharpener
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  • HEY HORSE! Quad Pencil Sharpener
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The pencil is mightier than the sword,
but the sword keeps the pencil sharp.

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